Climate Change & Wildfires

The unprecedented levels of fires seen across the globe during the past years clearly indicate that climate change is making the conditions for fire more likely. Read more

News Credit: CarbonBrief

Picture Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc./ Alamy Stock Photo

Environmental Socialism: Good or Bad?

Socialism is the latest adopted word in politics. With a growing number of voices against capitalism and the capitalist’s structure, new dawn with an emphasis on socialism is seen.

Socialism has its own perspectives that put the nation first than the economics and profit. But, if environmental failures are so pervasive in capitalists systems, why do the socialist’s countries lag behind in technology and produce the least-healthy environment? Read more

News Credit: Washington Examiner

Real Vs. Greenwashing

Till the time, the governments and the corporations unite in curbing carbon emissions. At a mass level, the talks about climate conservation are a mere dose of scepticism than the commitment towards real action. Read more

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Getty Pictures

Magical Sunlight

According to the researchers, all it takes is a solar-charged ion sponge to convert brackish water into the fresh zone for desalination. The filter sponge is a metal-organic framework with an extremely high surface area. However, it remains to be seen how successful the technology is for the future. Read more

News Credit: Popular Mechanics

Picture Credit: Getty Pictures

Just SWAP and GO!!

Technology and an initiative like this is a milestone in itself, creating a green and clean environment that is actually a lot quieter and more efficient. With an initial investment cost, the long-term running cost will reduce significantly thus, ensuring effectiveness. Read here

News Credit: The Guardian

Video Credit: Janus Energy Electric Trucks

Germany’s clarity on climate goals

In Berlin, the court ruled that the country’s government must set clear goals for reducing GHG emissions after 2030. This has been a major boost for the climate activities that aim to provide a clean environment for future generations. Read more

News Credit: CTV news