UK’s Emissions Cut

The government of the United Kingdom in a push to bring down its carbon emissions, is promoting electric vehicles to reach its target of net-zero by 2050. Read more

News Credit: BBC

Picture Credit: Getty Pictures

Atmospheric Carbon: Offtracking Humanity!

The year 2020 has witnessed record high “carbon-dioxide concentrations” that have not been witnessed for roughly 3 million years- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

This and many other have been findings that are released in the latest World Meteorological Organization’s Greenhouse Gas Bulletin that is released a week before COP-26- the Climate Summit in Glasgow.

This carbon dioxide concentration has completely put the ecological balance off-guard… Read more

News Credit: Common Dreams

Picture Credit: Getty Pictures

What’s Your Carbon Shadow?

Carbon Shadow: A concept that explains the carbon footprint of an individual at each and every step of a person i.e., our carbon footprint that we leave behind at each and every step that we take. Read more:

News Credit: MIC

Picture Credit: Illustration by Peter Gamlen for Mic

Revolutionizing the EV Sector!

A Bengaluru based start up aims to revolutionize the Electric Vehicles (EV) sector by building a battery pack that claims to rapid charge the vehicles (for all commercial vehicles irrespective of number of vehicles) within 15 minutes.

Does this mean that we are heading the end of fossil fuel usage or there is more to it??? Read here

News Credit: The Better India

Picture Credit: For referral purpose

Climate Change Changing “Sustainability” meaning!!!

Sustainability is the buzzword in the present-day environment. Many companies have embraced sustainability in recent history. But, how the climate changes are promoting the organizations to change their sustainability approach in present-day structure and how these companies will have to make an effort to rebrand themselves according to the climate crisis and embrace “sustainability” as the core of their efforts?? Read more

News Credit: New Hampshire Bulletin

Picture Credit: Getty Pictures