Imperfectly Perfect!

There is no single way of doing a particular thing, and there cannot be one solution to a problem. The hit and trial method are the best to achieve success and arrive at solutions to net-zero.

It is essential that more and more people join hands and create a perfect path for them and yet imperfect to improve.

PS: image source unknown, due credits.

Achieving Net-Zero?

Many European corporate giants are reporting bumper profits, but are failing on the cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions. It is high time that these corporate giants deliver on their pledges and switch to renewable modes to achieve their promises. Read more

News Credit: Social Europe

Picture Credit: DesignRage/

A Walk Backwards!

Let us start afresh and walk down the lane… let us create an environment that is clean, green and healthy. Let us create a healthy ecosystem for survival, breathable and livable.

Let us walk down the lane, restore our planet, and let it blossom again in its full glory!

PS: Image source unknown, due credit to the creators

Nature’s Gift!

Trees are the best gift nature has given to the species on the planet… yet we humans do not respect the valuable gift and are pro to damaging the environment and the ecosystem entirely… let us save our trees and restore the beauty nature has bestowed us with.

PS: image source unknown, due credit to the creators.

World Environment Day?

Is this is what we are aiming at in terms of Environment Day?

Sadly, we have ruined almost every component of the ecosystem, and it is high time that we realise our mistake and create a healthy, clean and green environment.

PS: Image source: WCCO

“The Forever fashion”- Sustainable OR No?

Fashionable Clothes- something we all aspire to own and wear! But, with these fashionable clothes comes a daunting task, i.e., curb pollution.

Pollution of dumping and trashing clothes thus, creating piles and piles of landfills across the globe.

To minimise the pollution from the fashion as mentioned earlier, the present fashion industry has created a new line of clothing called “The Forever Fashion”, which is chic, trendy, comfy and comes with a lifetime guarantee of making sustainable clothes.

Though the effort is worth a mention, are these clothes sustainable? Read more

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Laurent Laurent Vu/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock

The Toxic BPA

Americans are exposed to toxic BPA- a product via plastic and metal food packaging, that is extremely harmful and is linked to cancer and health problems.

In fact, the dangerous compound found is soo high in quantity that it exceeds the limit of permissible safety standards set by the European Union. Read more

News Credit: The Guardian

Image Credit: Jonathan Brady/PA

The Sustainable Pathway!!!

Today and tomorrow, there will always be one path to curb the climate crisis and attain a sustainable lifestyle… that is to create a pathway, or a lane… that is environmentally sustainable and ecologically balancing for each of us to survive.

PS: Image source unavailable, due credit to the creators

Disappearing Coastal Highway

The coastlines of North Carolina are disappearing and are disappearing relatively fast, making it unrecognizable for the residents living there.

It is evident that the climate crisis has changed the coastline and is non-negotaible. The unprecedented levels of development and the aftermaths (like storms) of development have led to a situation where there is no way out. Read more

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Travis Dove/ The Guardian

The Dry Reality!

Droughts have become common and prolonged in the present times, leading to devastation, hunger, and biodiversity loss at unprecedented levels…

How are we going to curb droughts and the devastating impacts on various species to restore sustainability remains to be seen!

PS: image source unknown, due credit to the creators of the image