Germany’s clarity on climate goals

In Berlin, the court ruled that the country’s government must set clear goals for reducing GHG emissions after 2030. This has been a major boost for the climate activities that aim to provide a clean environment for future generations. Read more

News Credit: CTV news

Renewables: many benefits, less cost!

Clean renewables bring the cost of energy down to a considerable level and thus is a vital factor that must be considered while transitioning from fossil fuels. The next best reason is the creation of jobs that are high paying. Read more

News Credit: Renew Economy

Universities: time to own up!

To curb the unprecedented high levels of carbon emissions, we must make a collaborative effort to bring about significant and systematic change. To achieve this, education must directly face the coming challenges and university leaders must use the opportunity to make decisions and actions that are beyond borders and are for a lifetime. Read more

News Credit: Inside Higher Ed

Picture Credit: Getty Images

Net-Zero: A trap or Reality?

It is saddening to know that the net-zero never existed and cannot be achieved, and yet the various governments and the international climate organizations keep on laying emphasis on achieving the same. What will happen when the reality bites and how are we gonna face the failure?

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New Credit: The Conversation

Teeming with Biodiversity

It is essential to safeguard our biodiversity in collaboration with philanthropists and the local communities. It will help restore the forests to their original form so that development and nature are balanced and go hand-in-hand. Read more

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Handout

The GDP Rat Race

The quest to achieve higher GDP has taken a big toll on the health of the planet. If this is not stopped and the wellbeing of the planet and humans is given priority, the world will drown, faster than expected. Read here

News Credit: The Guardian

CO2 emissions at history’s highest levels!

The pace at which coal and other fossil fuels are being used is scary; making the hazardous gas emissions an all-time high. If this is the way the fossil fuels are being used, how the nations plan to achieve their NDC targets, is a question that remains to be seen. Read here

News Credit: Observatorio Do Carvao Mineral, April 20,2021