The Myth of Climate Change

Though indeed, climate change is majorly due to human-induced activities still, there is no concrete evidence that scientists believe that humans are a major source of climate instability. Read more

News Credit: ClimateChangeDispatch

The Climate Blame Game!

If we keep on blaming each other this way for the climate disasters around us and do not take collective concrete actions, our planet will doom and we face more severe impacts with each passing year.

Let us work together and achieve global climate sustainability. Read More

News Credit: ClimateChangeDespatch

The Migrating Americans

The Americans are migrating to different parts of the world due to climate change. We can somehow stop such migration if we collectively take prompt steps to adopt climate sustainability. The climate shift forces American citizens to move and settle in various parts of America and the world because various American states are getting hotter by the year. It is becoming unbearable to live any further at such places.

Let us control our GHG emissions to stop any further migration.

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News Credit: GIZMODO

Author: Brian Kahn April 13, 2021

The Arctic and Climate Change!

We all know that the Arctic is getting hotter with each passing decade and it is getting at an alarmingly fast pace. Of the multiple solutions, one could be an increase in plantations, but ultimately, it is the emissions that need to be curbed at an exponentially fast pace…!! Read More

News Credit: ars Technica

Author: Matt Simon 04/11/2021 (this originally appeared in

IPCC Projections

An old post but an essential one!!

All IPCC projections are science fiction depending upon Geoengineering with the exception of RCP 8.5, the current path we are on.

We going to hit and likely exceed 4 C, faster than expected, with virtually zero doubt.

Video Credit: YouTube

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Climate Change

The hard facts about global warming – a defining issue of our time. Climate change is happening now, and even world leaders meeting for climate talks knows that they aren’t doing enough to stop it. In fact, we’re going backwards. The UN says carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are going up, and the earth is on track to warm by 3.2 degrees before the century is over. The consequences of that acceleration are already proving disastrous for communities around the world.

Video Credit: Al Jazeera (youTube channel), Dec 01, 2019

Heat Waves in India…

This is extremely disturbing and something that one starts thinking

about on a regular basis lately, and it’s happening and about to happen more in other parts of the global South (i.e., people dying from heat and humidity, especially the poor!)

News Credits: mint

Author: Bibek Bhattacharya

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