Can Paris Keep Its Promise of “Green Games”?

The Paris Olympics aims to halve the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of previous games, targeting a maximum carbon budget of 1.58 Mt CO2 eq. This ambitious goal faces significant challenges, especially considering that the Tokyo 2020 Games, held during a pandemic without spectators, still generated nearly 2 Mt CO2 eq.

The primary emission sources for the 2024 Olympics are expected to be:

  • Travel: Participants’ and spectators’ travel could account for a quarter of emissions.
  • Construction: Permanent and temporary infrastructure could contribute another 25%.
  • Operations: Catering, accommodation, and logistics will make up the final quarter.

Uncertainties remain, particularly with transport and the construction of a new motorway junction, which could increase emissions. The true carbon footprint will be revealed post-games, with a promise of transparent and independently verified reporting.

Can Paris achieve its “green games” promise amidst these challenges? The answer will unfold as the event draws nearer. Read More

News Credit: Red Blue and Green

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