Children’s Day 2022

Every child born today will be affected by climate change. And we need to nurture nature to pass on a clean, green, healthy, and sustainable planet to future generations.
A day that celebrates children, World Children’s Day, promotes children’s rights and their welfare.
It’s more important than ever that the world listens to their ideas and demands.
#happychildrensday #kids #education #jawahrlalnehru #allchildreninworld #panditjawaharlalnehru #bestwishes #HappyChildrensDay2022

Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. In 2021, 88 million consumers shopped online; in 2020, sales hit a record high of $9 billion (€8.6 billion).

Reducing the “buying in bulk” culture and adopting a sustainable lifestyle is essential. Consumers are supreme, and it is the customers that can bring the change… let us celebrate the festival with our loved ones and aspire not to disturb nature…
Happy “Black Friday”…
#blackfriday2022 #reducelandfills #climatecrisis #climatechange #achievesustainablility #savetheplanet #reducebulkpurchases #climateandcorporate 

South Korea Boosts Factory Rooftop Solar Power

South Korea is planning a massive expansion of solar panels mounted on industrial rooftops and parking lots to overcome land constraints slowing its clean energy transition.

The Asian nation seeks to add 4 GWs of solar power in industrial complexes in the city of Daegu and North Gyeongsang province, the energy ministry said in a statement. That would be almost quadruple the total of 1.1 GWs of solar power from factory areas around the country currently, according to the statement. Read more

Inferno’s Embrace: Earth’s Fiery Warning

Approximately 55 million+ people across the US were under air quality alerts and breathing harmful air. With severe wildfires, nearly 13 million hectares burned in Canada in 2023, i.e., 15 times more than normal.
Added to the above, almost 400 or more fires are still burning. The climate crisis is creating devastation like never seen or heard before… Let us act now as there is no time to wait… let us act now since we are facing the climate emergency.

#climateemergency #actonclimate #climatedevastation #climatechange #notimetowait

Journey Through Junk: The Persistent Problem of Roadside Litter

A litter can be as small as a sweet wrapper or as large as a bag of rubbish, meaning lots of scattered items. The legislation also clarifies explicitly that discarded gum products, cigarette ends, and matches are types of litter.

The offence of leaving litter applies when a person throws down, drops or otherwise deposits any litter in any place in the open air in the area of a principal litter authority to which the public has access with or without payment and leaves it. Litter is associated with many social, environmental, and economic issues. It can also be a source of safety hazards for road users. The issue of litter is a complex matter caused by various reasons which do not have a single solution. Removal methods focus on collecting the existing litter, which can be very effective in the short-term but are usually costly.