The city of Oslo plans to have a fully-electric public transport network by 2023. The capital city has another ambitious short-term goal: becoming the world’s first emissions-free city by 2030.

In the ‘Climate strategy for Oslo towards 2030’ (Klimastrategi for Oslo mot 2030), walking, cycling, and public transport are indicated as Oslo’s future first choices for transportation. By 2030, car traffic has to be reduced by a third compared to 2015, with a twenty percent sub-target by 2023.

By 2030, all passenger cars on Oslo’s roads must be emission-free. Public transport must be emission-free in 2028, and all heavy vehicles in Oslo must be emission-free or use sustainable renewable fuels by 2030. Port operations and traffic on the fjord will have to be virtually emission-free.

This goal is based on needs beyond climate, such as better air quality, less congestion in the city center and residential areas, and better road traffic safety. Significant health benefits come with increased walking and cycling, and fulfilling these goals facilitates better public health and a more human-friendly urban development.

Osloclimategoals #sustainablelifestyle #renewableenergy #savetheplanet #reducefossilfuels
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