The government’s failure to insulate the UK’s cold and leaky homes is costing thousands of lives a year, according to analysis.
The report from Greenpeace reveals 58 people have died due to cold homes every day on average during the winter since David Cameron’s Conservative government decided to “cut the green crap” in 2013, drastically slashing support for home insulation.
Activists have pointed out that the UK had some of the least energy-efficient housing in Western Europe. Government figures released last month show that 3.17 million households live in fuel poverty in the UK. Poorly insulated homes also contribute to poor health and are estimated to cost the NHS more than 850 pounds a year in England.
Housing is directly responsible for about 14% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions, driven in part by the large proportion of uninsulated or poorly insulated homes. Read More
News Credit: The Guardian
Picture Credit: Martin Godwin/The Guardian