Communication Blues

The difference between management and leadership is COMMUNICATIONS” -Winsten Churchill

Communications: a fundamental to the existence of the humans and the organizations. It is an act of explaining the meaning a piece of information both by the verbal and the non verbal methods. To be able to be effective in communications it is necessary that the organizations must adopt a variety of tools and a clear vision that helps its people to design and strategize its policies and communicate them to the various stakeholders.

Corporate Communications is an evolving area within the ever increasing puzzle of global growth. Corporate Communications as an important element of the organizational structure does not possess a very ancient legacy. The concept came into being in late 19th century or in early 20th century following the pace of industrial revolution. However, the aim in the earlier century was to improve towards the image and positioning of the brands and the organizations itself; its larger role was that of maintaining the Public Relations.

The role that largely was restricted towards maintaining the political scenario, started to take a shift and it became more focused towards the organisations and more importantly towards its individuals with the invention of “GLOBALIZATION”. At this time, the organizations started to venture in different parts of the world requiring a more sophisticated communication strategy keeping in mind the culture, values, beliefs, rules etc of the respective countries. This has to be collaborated with the overall VISION of the company so that the aim is not compromised upon.

The onset of the 21st century brought with it the revolution called “The Internet” and the information was digitized. Everything in this new century is available on the internet. Communication, which till now was a one way process (from top to bottom), became the “Conversation” by the end of the second decade of the century. The stakeholders that were only receiving information till now became the “audience” and started participating in the communication process. In today’s age, the biggest challenge a company faces is to maintain transparency, provide information at the regular basis so that it can keep its audience engaged and retain the brand recall in their minds. The even bigger challenge is to decide how much information is relevant and what is the medium that is most suited to communicate a particular kind of information i.e., to decide about the channel.

The digitization has made the information availability much easier and much faster and the arrival of social media has made the companies think out of the box and find out new tools to communicate with today’s customers. Relevance has become the corporate communications center of gravity and being digital has become the new way of life. The various social and digital platforms makes consumer “the king” and thus, ensures that the companies monitor the information constantly and strategize in a pro-active manner to sustain the ever evolving world.

Digitization, strong media presence and the real-times issues rich environment makes the communication process an uphill task for the organizations. The growth of the social media and plethora of information available has brought with it mistrust (due to fake news) amongst the consumers. The organisations have to muster the art of communicating the social responsibilities (that it undertakes) so that it can remain relevant and authentic and are able to retain the customers (both internal and external) ensuring the global sustainability.

This is one small world where every activity and every industry is interconnected.Global presence is the need of the hour and expanding one’s business activities is a part of the mission of any organization.In this global digitally connected world, the companies need to constantly monitor what happens in other parts of the world so that they can strategize effectively in view of maximizing its reach to the global audience. The strong internet presence and the information in the real time poses an immense amount of threat for the companies to sustain and retain its base. So, what happens when this global, digital one world gets a “Pandemic”? How are the organizations dealing with the “first ever pandemic” of the new age world?

It seems in today’s time, every thing is revolving around this one phenomenon called “Covid-19, The Pandemic”. The world is under a lockdown….every economy is struggling to revive itself and get unaffected with this deadly phenomenon and so are the organizations across the globe. Communicating in this age of uncertainty and fear has become a topic to brainstorm upon. Communication at this hour requires unprecedented empathy and strong leadership to bring back the trust,lower the anxiety and sustain in the global platform. The organizations are devising ways and means to communicate with their internal and external stakeholders. The task has become a lot more difficult and complex than what it already has been in an environment that was flooded with opportunities or in a more appropriate way….pre covid world.

In this new world, I would call it a “Covid-19 world”; the companies are making the contingency plans with some new and some old phenomenons. However, the old phenomenon like maintaining a direct base with the customers and communicating clearly the company strategy during the time of crises still hold importance; there are new concepts like creating a crises management teams (that can take a stalk of the situation overall and can tell how adversely or positively the company is affected) and communicate regularly with its customers (both internal and external) and state the facts (how-so-ever good or bad) at the regular intervals on the various mediums ….are a few such that have gained the attention of the leaders across the globe.

An emphatic, clear and precise communication strategy can help win the trust and the loyalty of the various stakeholders associated with the company. Transparency helps to build the brand value at the time of crises and helps in establishing a clear vision as to how the company will (or focus) to emerge after the fallout.

This Covid-19 world has now changed in many ways….ways we live now, buy our groceries, defining our new luxuries, defining our new new. World in this covid-19 has changed and will continue to change. It has changed the way we used to work and will keep on reinventing itself further. We, now have to learn to adapt to the new work cultures, new ways to communicate and new ways to devise our strategies to accomplish our vision. This world is entirely different from the world where the concept of “Corporate Communication” came into being. This world is all about living in an environment that is all about social distancing and a world that is working to restructure itself from the scratch. In the earlier strategies, it was all about staying connected to the audience directly (eliminating all mediums for in between) and communicating the policy directly, through the conferences, press meets etc. With the concept of social distancing, it is now about video conferencing and communicating every single aspect of the organisation digitally.

With so much changing so rapidly around us, will we be able to hold on to the strong communication ethics that we have established and developed over all these decades?? OR are we entering an era where an entire new constitution with regards to communicating within the world is required?????????



EARTH,the only planet in the solar system that can harbor life, is exposed

to various species, flora and fauna. Amongst all these, the most fascinating species is that of mankind (The HUMAN BEING).

The reason that makes the mankind so interesting is its ability to think and comprehend. The human brain is a power house that can make unthinkable as attainable and unachievable as withing the reach of every person possible.

It is this power of the human brain that has led the planet undergo various changes in its ecosystem from time to time.A lot of such changes are positive but most of them have been hazardous. We, the humans have played with the mother EARTH in every given way over the centuries. From the stone age, we, have evolved to the current digital and the satellite age. This power to think and make our lives comfortable and luxurious, we have experimented from time to time on various creatures/objects/chemicals in our laboratories and attained the results. Some of these results have been positive for both the mankind and the planet but a have been disastrous.

One such experiment that has proved to be fatal has been the current emergency that has engulfed the world. We call it “CORONA VIRUS” or the COVID-19. It has been labelled as the “pandemic”

This pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. We are all locked inside our houses and have been barred from any movement or activity outside our houses. There’s transport, no factories are functioning. Everything has just stopped or everything has just become quiet. We, have been caught up with a fear, “the fear of survival”.

Since, the human activity has halted or closed completely; mother nature has geared up and is doing the needful. EARTH is on the path of recovery and it is slowly achieving all that was once considered “Unattainable” or “Unimaginable”.


There’s a recovery mode and I would like to term it as “THE MAKEOVER”. The planet is in a makeover phase and it has been blossoming glamorously. Its looks fresh and ready to take on the mankind for the centuries to come.

It breathes fresh every second of the day and runs fresh water every second where even a tiny fish is visible clearly. The species that have disappeared from their natural habitats have returned back and the ozone layer that was depleting fast is now recovering slowly due to less pollution across the globe.

Of the many examples of the recovering nature, I want to point out two examples from two different parts of the world. The first one is from Punjab, India where a snow capped mountain range called ‘The Dhauladhar’ is visible from 160 kms in Jalandhar (Punjab) that has not been seen by the locals for over three decades. It was a sight to behold and something that would have happened once in the lifetime of the locals. The magic happened due to less pollution.

The second example is from Italy, where the water has been cleaner than ever. In those clean water the fishes are back, the dolphins dances and the swans adorns the canals in way that can catch anyone’s imagination. Truly a spectacle it must be.

These are only two examples and am sure there must 100 of such examples. Such examples only teach us only one lesson- i.e., to compassionate towards the planet. It teaches that the nature blossoms like a flower if become a compassionate species. We take care of our planet and let it bloom to its maximum so that we can enjoy the gifts that it has to offer for the centuries to come. “AMEN”