Decoding Climate-Boosted Superstorms

The storm raged over California for more than five days. As the powerful atmospheric river landed, furious winds and torrential downpours ripped trees from their roots, turned streets into rivers and sent mud cascading into homes.

Along with chaos, the storm brought opportunity. On land and in-flight, scientists were ready to deploy instruments that measure atmospheric rivers like this one. They released tools from planes equipped with small parachutes or floated them up from the ground attached to balloons directly into the storm’s path.

These small but mighty devices provide critical intelligence to help improve weather forecasts, as the climate crisis already makes powerful storms more dangerous. Read More

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Erick Madrid/EPA

Migratory Species Face Rising Threats- says the UN

According to the first UN expert assessment, more than a fifth of migratory species under international protection are threatened with extinction, including nearly all nomadic fish.

From humpback whales to Dalmatian pelicans, billions of animals journey with the seasons over oceans, on land and in the skies each year. But a new report by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has found that many migratory species are at risk of disappearing, threatened by human pollution, the spread of invasive species and the climate crisis.

The assessment of migratory animals under protection from the treaty found that 22% of the 1,189 CMS-listed species are threatened with extinction, and nearly half, 44%, are showing population declines, with many under unsustainable pressure from habitat loss and overexploitation. As much as 97% of sharks, rays and sturgeons on the list face a high risk of extinction, with populations declining by 90% since the 1970s. Read More

News Credit: The Guardian

Picture Credit: Minden Pictures/Alamy

Green Ambitions Fizzle: Labour’s £28bn Pledge Evaporates

In the political landscape, a recent satirical cartoon has deftly captured the sluggishness of the Labour Party’s approach to environmental reform with a striking image: a vast snail labelled “LABOUR” looms over a tiny figure with blue pincers, overshadowing the smaller advocates for change. Beside it, a trash can marked “£28 BILLION GREEN POLICY” billows with smoke, a visual metaphor for the burning away of funds without tangible environmental improvements. This poignant piece serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for not just action but swift and effective action in our approach to environmental policy. The message is unequivocal: grand promises must swiftly evolve into substantive results to protect our planet. Check Here

Image: Chris Riddle Illustration

Capturing Tomorrow: Pioneering the Carbon Neutral Revolution

As the global community grapples with the escalating challenges of climate change, reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has become a central focus of environmental policy and technological innovation. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores the necessity of drastic emission reductions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This goal requires halving current emissions by 2030 and reaching net zer by 2050. Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technology emerges as a vital tool, offering a pathway to significantly reduce emissions from the world’s largest carbon sources: fossil fuel-based power generation and industrial processes.

The urgency of deploying CCS technologies is underscored by alarming statistics: the energy sector alone, encompassing coal-fired power plants and natural gas processing facilities, contributes approximately 25% of global CO2 emissions. Meanwhile, the industrial sector, including cement, steel, and chemical manufacturing, accounts or another 20%. These sectors present both significant challenges and opportunities for carbon capture technologies.

CCS involves a three-step process:

a. capturing CO2 emissions at their source,

b. transporting the captured CO2, and

c. securely storing it underground in geological formations or using it in various applications, such as enhanced oil recovery or in the manufacture of materials.

The potential of CCS is immense; the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, the world needs to capture and store approximately 6 billion tonnes of CO2 a nually by 2050. As of my last update, the global CCS capacity stood at just over 40 million tonnes per year, highlighting the need for rapid expansion and innovation in the field.

Despite its potential, CCS faces hurdles, including high costs, technological complexities, and the need for substantial infrastruct re investments. However, the benefits are compelling. For instance, CCS can reduce CO2 emissions from power generation by up to 90%, accor ing to the IEA. Moreover, in industries like cement and steel production, where decarbonization options are limited, CCS offers one of the few viable paths to significant emission reductions.

The importance of CCS is further reinforced by its role in achieving “negative emissions” when combined with bioenergy sources (BECCS) or direct air capture (DA ) technologies. These approaches are critical for offsetting emissions from sectors where complete decarbonization is challenging or currently impossible. Let us focus on some specific sectors:


The energy sector, particularly coal-fired and natural gas power plants, has historically been one of the largest sources of CO2 emis ions worldwide. Despite the shift towards renewable energy sources, fossil fuels are expected to remain a significant part of the energy mix in the near to medium term, especially in regions where alternatives are not yet viable due to economic or te hnical reasons. In this context, CCS offers a critical solution to reduce emissions from existing and future fossil fuel-based power generation.

CCS in the energy sector involves capturing CO2 emissions produced during power generation and industrial processes, transporting the captured CO2, and securely storing it underground in geological formations or utilizing it in oth r applications. The application of CCS technology not only helps in significantly reducing CO2 emissions but also allows for the continued use of fossil fuels in a more environmentally friendly manner.

One of the most notable real-time examples of CCS in the energy sector is the Petra Nova projec in Texas, USA. Launched in 2017, Petra Nova was the world’s largest post-combustion carbon capture system attached to a power plant, targeting the emissions from a single unit of the coal-fired W.A. Parish Gen ating Station. The Petra Nova project successfully captured over 90% of the CO2 emissions from the processed flue gas of the power plant, with a capacity to capture 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 annually.
The project utilized a post-combustion capture technology, where a solvent was used to absorb CO2 from the flue gas after combustion. The captured CO2 was then compressed and transported via pipeline to the West Ranch oil field, approximately 80 miles away, for use in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations. By injecting the captured CO2 into the oil field, the project not only sequestered the CO2 but also increased oil production from 300 barrels per day to over 4,000 barrels, demonstrating the economic and environmental benefits of CCS technology.

Despite successful projects like Petra Nova, the widespread adoption of CCS in the energy sector faces severa challenges:

I. High Costs: The initial investment for CCS technology and the operational costs, including CO2 capture, transport, and storage, are significant. These costs are often seen as prohibitive by many power plant operators, especially in the absence of substantial financial incentives or carbon pricing echanisms.
II. Energy Penalty: CCS requires additional energy to capture, compress, and transport CO2, leading to a reduction in the overall efficiency of po r plants.
III. Storage and Transportation Infrastructure: The development of infrastructure for the safe and secure transportation and storage of CO2 requires significant investment and regulatory approvals, posing additional hurdles.

To overcome these challenges and harness the potential of CCS in the energy sector, several measures are essential:

a. Policy Support and Incentives: Governments can play a crucial role by providing policy support, financial incentives, and clear regulatory frameworks to encourage investment in CCS technologies.
b. Technological Innovation: Continued research and development can lead to more efficient and cost-effective CCS technologies, reducing the energy penalty and overall costs associa d with CCS.
c. Infrastructure Development: Building the necessary infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage, including pipelines and storage sites, is crucial for the scalab it of CCS.
d. International Collaboration: Global cooperation in sharing knowledge, technologies, and best practices can accelerate the deployment of CCS worldwide.
Hence, while the energy sector faces significant challenges in implementing CCS technology, the potential benefits in terms of emission reductions and the transition to a low-carbon econo y are immense. With the right mix of policy support, technological innovation, and international collaboration, CCS can play a pivotal role in achieving global climate targets.


The manufacturing sector, which includes industries like cement, steel, and chemicals, is integral to the global economy but is also among the largest sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Due to the inherent CO2-intensive processes involved in production, this sector presents unique challenges and opportunities for the implementation of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology. By exploring the sector’s engagement with CCS, we can better understand its role in the broader climate change mitigation landscape.

The sector’s diverse range of activities, each with its specific emission profiles and abatement challenges, makes the implementation of CCS both crucial and complex. Industries such as cement and steel are responsible for significant direct emissions due to the chemical processes involved in production, in addition to energy-related emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels.

CCS technology in the manufacturing sector involves capturing CO2 emissions directly from industrial processes or energy use, then transporting and securely storing the CO2 underground or utilizing it in other applications. This approach not only aids in significantly reducing the sector’s carbon footprint but also allows these essential industries to continue operation while transitioning to lower-carbon alternatives.

A prime example of CCS in action within the manufacturing sector is the Norcem Brevik cement plant in Norway. This project is notable for being one of the first in the world to aim for full-scale CCS deployment in the cement industry.

The Norcem Brevik project intends to capture up to 400,000 tonnes of CO2 annually, accounting for approximately 50% of the plant’s emissions. The captured CO2 is planned to be transported and permanently stored in geological formations under the North Sea. The project uses a post-combustion capture technology, where a solvent captures CO2 from the flue gases generated by the cement manufacturing process. This approach is compatible with the plant’s existing infrastructure, demonstrating the feasibility of retrofitting CCS technology in the cement industry.

By significantly reducing CO2 emissions from cement production, the Norcem Brevik project serves as a pioneering example of how CCS can be integrated into the manufacturing sector, potentially setting a precedent for global industry standards. implementing CCS in the manufacturing sector faces several challenges:

a. Process Emissions: Industries like cement and steel produce CO2 as a byproduct of chemical reactions, not just from energy use, making emissions reduction more complex.
b. Cost and Efficiency: The high cost of CCS technology and the potential reduction in operational efficiency pose significant barriers to widespread adoption.
c. Lack of Infrastructure: Similar to the energy sector, the development of CO2 transport and storage infrastructure is a critical need for scaling up CCS in manufacturing.

To advance the adoption of CCS in the manufacturing sector, several strategies are essential:

  • Innovation and Research: Continued innovation to develop more efficient and cost-effective CCS technologies is crucial. This includes improving capture methods and exploring new uses for captured CO2.
  • Policy and Incentive Structures: Government policies and incentives that encourage investment in CCS technology and infrastructure development are vital for accelerating deployment in the manufacturing sector.
  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Collaboration between governments, industries, and research institutions can facilitate knowledge sharing and the dissemination of best practices, speeding up the implementation of CCS solutions.
    Infrastructure Investment: Investment in the necessary infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage will be critical for enabling CCS at scale within the manufacturing sector.

Therefore, while there are significant challenges to deploying CCS in the manufacturing sector, the potential for substantial emissions reductions makes it an essential component of global climate mitigation strategies. Through a combination of technological innovation, policy support, and international cooperation, the manufacturing sector can overcome these challenges and contribute to a more sustainable and low-carbon future.


The natural resource extraction sector, specifically oil and gas, plays a pivotal role in the global economy but is also a significant contributor to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This sector faces unique challenges in mitigating its carbon footprint due to the nature of its operations, which are often energy-intensive and associated with substantial direct and indirect emissions. Implementing carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology within this sector is crucial for reducing emissions while enabling the continued extraction and use of fossil fuels during the transition to a low-carbon energy system.

The oil and gas sector is uniquely positioned to leverage CCS technology for several reasons. First, it has extensive experience with the geological formations suitable for CO2 storage due to its expertise in geology and reservoir management. Second, the sector can utilize captured CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), creating an economic incentive to capture and reuse CO2. Despite these advantages, the widespread adoption of CCS in oil and gas extraction faces technical, economic, and regulatory challenges.

A landmark example of CCS implementation in the natural resource extraction sector is the Sleipner CO2 storage project in the North Sea, operated by Equinor (formerly Statoil). Since 1996, the Sleipner project has been capturing CO2 from natural gas production and injecting it into the Utsira Sand, a deep saline aquifer.

The Sleipner project captures about one million tonnes of CO2 annually from the natural gas it processes. This CO2, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, is instead injected into an aquifer more than 800 meters below the seabed. The project uses a process where CO2 is separated from natural gas using amine solvent technology. The captured CO2 is then compressed and injected into the saline aquifer for permanent storage.
The Sleipner project is considered a success in demonstrating the feasibility and safety of CO2 storage in saline aquifers. It has provided valuable data and insights into monitoring and verification techniques for CO2 storage, contributing to the development of international standards and best practices. Implementing CCS in the natural resource extraction sector faces several challenges:

  • Economic Viability: The economic viability of CCS projects is highly dependent on the market value of oil and gas, carbon pricing mechanisms, and the availability of incentives for CCS investments.
  • Regulatory and Legal Frameworks: The development of comprehensive regulatory and legal frameworks that support CO2 storage and provide clarity on liability issues is crucial for the expansion of CCS.
  • Public Perception and Environmental Concerns: Public concerns about the safety of CO2 storage and its potential environmental impacts can pose obstacles to the development of CCS projects.

For the natural resource extraction sector to overcome these challenges and fully harness the potential of CCS, several strategies are needed:

a. Incentivizing CCS Deployment: Governments and international bodies can play a critical role by providing incentives, such as tax credits or carbon pricing, that make CCS projects more economically attractive.
b. Developing Robust Regulatory Frameworks: Establishing clear and supportive regulatory frameworks for CO2 storage will help address liability concerns and encourage investment in CCS technologies.
c. Advancing Technology and Infrastructure: Continued investment in research and development can lower the costs and improve the efficiency of CCS technologies. Additionally, developing the infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage is essential for the scalability of CCS.
d. Engaging with Stakeholders: Building public trust through transparency and engagement with local communities, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders is vital for the social acceptance of CCS projects.

Therefore, while the natural resource extraction sector, particularly oil and gas, faces significant challenges in adopting CCS technology, it also possesses unique advantages that can facilitate the deployment of CCS. By leveraging its expertise, advancing technological innovations, and working within supportive policy frameworks, the sector can significantly contribute to global efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and combat climate change.

Finally, the pursuit of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology across various critical sectors—energy, manufacturing, and natural resource extraction—highlights a proactive approach towards mitigating climate change and reducing global CO2 emissions. This comprehensive exploration reveals both the unique challenges each sector faces in implementing CCS and the universal hurdles of economic viability, technological complexity, infrastructure requirements, regulatory frameworks, and public acceptance. Despite these challenges, the detailed case studies and sector-specific analyses underscore the potential and progress of CCS technologies in contributing to global emissions reduction efforts.

“Fossil Fuel Use Drops Globally, Yet Shipping, Aviation, Industry Lag Behind

The journey towards a greener future is well underway, with unprecedented investments in clean energy marking the dawn of a new era in global power generation. The International Energy Agency heralds solar energy as the cheapest electricity source in history, a testament to the transformative potential of renewables. Rhodium’s analysis further illuminates this shift, projecting a significant decline in the world’s reliance on fossil fuels by 2050, thanks to the surge in solar investments and the retreat from coal-powered generation.

Parallel to the renewable energy revolution is the rapid growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market, which is set to redefine transportation. The forecast suggests a dramatic decrease in global oil consumption for on-road vehicles, anticipating a 50% reduction over the next three decades. This shift signifies a monumental step forward in reducing emissions from one of the most prolific sources of fossil fuel demand.

However, this promising progress towards decarbonization faces substantial challenges in completely phasing out carbon emissions by the mid-century. Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, a target scientists deem crucial to averting the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, remains a formidable task. Heatwaves, floods, droughts, and other climate-related disasters continue to threaten our world, underscoring the urgency of addressing emissions comprehensively.

A significant hurdle in this endeavour is the persistent carbon pollution from three critical sectors: aviation, shipping, and industry. The absence of widespread alternatives to jet fuel and ship diesel constrains efforts to decarbonize these areas, with fossil fuel use expected to remain steady or even increase as economies in developing countries expand. Furthermore, specific industrial processes, including cement production and plastics manufacturing, present additional challenges in reducing reliance on carbon-intensive fuels. Read More

News Credit: Guardian Environment

Picture Credit: Unknown

Australia Heats: BoM Data Shows 1.5C Rise Since 1910

Australia’s land surface has warmed by 1.5C since 1910, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s long-term record of temperatures.

The figure is revealed in the bureau’s annual climate statement, which found that 2023 was Australia’s joint-eighth warmest year on record, with the national temperature 0.98C above the average between 1961 and 1990.

Countries worldwide have agreed to “pursue efforts” to keep global heating to 1.5C. Still, this temperature goal is widely accepted as relative to a pre-industrial period from 1850 to 1900 and combines land and ocean temperatures across the globe. Read more

News Credit: Guardian Environment

Picture Credit: Mike Bowers/The Guardian

The Climate Scam

Apocalyptic scenes in Pringle Bay near Cape Town, South Africa iss raging blaze forces locals to evacuate from their homes. In this way, climate change is destructing the world at an alarming rate.

Forest fire in Pencahue of Talca province, Chile

There was a gigantic forest fire in Pencahue of Talca province, Chile. A Yellow Alert was declared due to the presence of this incident. More than 650 hectares were affected. The Climate Crisis is indeed reflecting its impact on the planet.