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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

Greenland’s Hidden Wealth: What Lies Beneath the Melting Ice?

Greenland, the world’s largest island, has long held a magnetic allure. Over the centuries, it has drawn explorers, warriors, and world powers alike— from...

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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

Nanoplastics in the High Alps: Vehicle Tyres Emerge as the Biggest Polluter

A groundbreaking study has identified vehicle tyre wear as the largest source of nanoplastic pollution in the high Alps, shedding light on a previously...

Greenland’s Hidden Wealth: What Lies Beneath the Melting Ice?

Greenland, the world’s largest island, has long held a magnetic allure. Over the centuries, it has drawn explorers, warriors, and world powers alike— from...

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Rainer and Wetter Arctic

Everyday life in the Arctic is defined by the cold and the frozen conditions during the year. However, the hunt, the freedom to travel...

Ailing California

The "Gloden State" of the United States of America grapples with a wet start to the year. Torrential rains have led to submerged vehicles and...

The 36- Year Deadline

England's environmental agency is under fire to extend the schedule for tackling pollution in rivers, lakes and coastal waters. The deadline has been extended for...

COP-15, A Milestone Agreement

After nearly four years of negotiations and delays, 200 countries (except for the US or the Vatican) signed a historic agreement at the World...

Soaring Wildfires

Fires scorched France in 2022, burned a record land area and stoked carbon emissions. The Summer of 2022 has been the hottest in Europe's...

Exploiting Auction

Congo Basin is one of the most critical basins left on the planet that sucks more carbon than it emits. The forest, which is...

The Deadly Coalmine

Ever since the coal mine in Cumbria was given the green signal, critics have been worried about the climate crisis and the devastation that...

Failing Energy Transitions

High economic growth is one of the significant distractions when switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, hence failing the entire transition system. There...

Warming Svalbard

Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago, is the world's northernmost permanent settlement area. However, the place is warming up six times faster than the global average. With...

1.5 Degrees Celsius- A Compromise

An average of 1.5 degree celsius temperature rise has been agreed upon to be alright that will be okay in terms of rising temperatures....

Vanishing Ice sheets

The Climate crisis has pushed the planet to a widespread collapse, something that was "unthinkable" a decade ago. With the heat waves becoming a new...

Climate Change and Volcanoes

It is often discussed that volcanic eruptions and climate change are correlated. However, human contributions to the carbon cycle are 100 times deadlier than...
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