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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

Greenland’s Hidden Wealth: What Lies Beneath the Melting Ice?

Greenland, the world’s largest island, has long held a magnetic allure. Over the centuries, it has drawn explorers, warriors, and world powers alike— from...

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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

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North Pole Temperatures Soar 20°C Above Average, Threatening Ice Melt

In a striking climate anomaly, temperatures at the North Pole surged more than 20°C above the seasonal average, crossing the crucial melting threshold for...

Nanoplastics in the High Alps: Vehicle Tyres Emerge as the Biggest Polluter

A groundbreaking study has identified vehicle tyre wear as the largest source of nanoplastic pollution in the high Alps, shedding light on a previously...

Greenland’s Hidden Wealth: What Lies Beneath the Melting Ice?

Greenland, the world’s largest island, has long held a magnetic allure. Over the centuries, it has drawn explorers, warriors, and world powers alike— from...

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Veering temperatures

Sometimes... an image lets us understand better than the words. I hope we know the difference in temperatures within a few steps. (image source...

The Footprints

Well... sometimes our footprints says it all!! The species other than us- The Humans leave footprints that they will be proud of... what about...

Disappearing Corals!

TRIVIA: for over a decade, the warming waters have killed 14% of world’s corals… so we have a solution for this??? (Source: http://earth.org) #climateandcorporate#achievesustaonability#actnow#savetheplanet#savemarinelife

Cap those Bottles!!

TRIVIA: bottled water is 3500 times harmful to the environment than tap water…(image: http://earth.org)… let’s discard bottled water and shift to sustainable storage of...

UK’s Emissions Cut

The government of the United Kingdom in a push to bring down its carbon emissions, is promoting electric vehicles to reach its target of...

The Funny Human!

What a funny reality... we humans, despite being so evolved and intelligent, are doing both and yet have the power to blame all the...

Atmospheric Carbon: Offtracking Humanity!

The year 2020 has witnessed record high "carbon-dioxide concentrations" that have not been witnessed for roughly 3 million years- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) This and...

Revolutionizing the EV Sector!

A Bengaluru based start up aims to revolutionize the Electric Vehicles (EV) sector by building a battery pack that claims to rapid charge the...

What’s Your Carbon Shadow?

Carbon Shadow: A concept that explains the carbon footprint of an individual at each and every step of a person i.e., our carbon footprint...

Climate Change Changing “Sustainability” meaning!!!

Sustainability is the buzzword in the present-day environment. Many companies have embraced sustainability in recent history. But, how the climate changes are promoting the...

Big Agriculture: Ecological Boon or Curse?

The present-day environment contains more carbon dioxide than any time in the past 3.6 million years. Earth's atmosphere, land, air, soil, water and even...

The year 2021: How has it been so far??

Extreme weather conditions and devastation has been the highlight of the year 2021, leading to destruction, loss of lives and livelihood all across. It is...
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